How it Works
Solution = People + Process + Technology
Harnessing the collective intelligence of people is as much about social science as it is technology. But the process needs technology in order to do this efficiently, cost-effectively and at scale.
HYPE is Europe's leading 'collective intelligence' solution. The original process and technology was developed by German automaker DaimlerBenz as a collaboration management toolkit for bringing together large (or small) groups of dispersed - often multi-lingual - people via desktop and mobile to collaborate on virtually any type of strategic objective.
The HYPE 'collective intelligence' solution combines the 4Cs (Coordination, Collaboration, Contemplation, Cooperation) into a flexible, managed workflow
problem solving
new products
continuous improvement
efficiency drives
knowledge discovery
- invention disclosure
collaborative research & development
collaborative feasibility studies
creative competitions
acquisition integration
growth initiatives
project management
change management
staff / customer / supplier engagement
supply chain optimisation
collaborative decision making
board & executive reporting
ESG (environment, social, governance) programs
benefit monitoring and reporting
Who Uses It and For What?
The HYPE solution is agile enough for SMEs and powerful enough to be selected by some 450 of the most innovative companies, government agencies and NGOs from around the world.
In Australia, federal and State governments have been using the platform since 2017.
The solution is a generic toolkit that can be customised for virtually any strategic objective via a combination of Campaigns (targeted, time-limited strategic initiatives) and Channels (always-open defined 'suggestion boxes'):
Open, private and confidential campaigns and channels can be set up for internal and/or external participants at any level - project, department, organisation, industry, state, national, global.
Case Studies and Video Library
Customer Case Studies can be obtained from here. Being part of the CSP-HYPE ecosystem means you can engage with any of the 250 global users for advice, to collaborate and share stories and ideas.
Below are a selection of videos explaining the different aspects of the HYPE solution plus some customer feedback videos. For the videos, it's important to note that - just as 'project management' is a generic term that can be applied to any project, 'innovation management' is a generic term that can be applied to any strategic objective.
A walk through the end-to-end HYPE solution (8:40)
Ideation: the ‘Front End’ of the process that coordinates collective intelligence (2:52)
​Collaboration: leveraging collective intelligence for superior outcomes (2:31)
Evaluation: tools for subject matter experts to identify ideas with potential (1:59)
Implementation: the 'Back End' of the process where 'potential' is developed into 'value' (3:18)
Global Trend Scouting: inspiring the creative process with fresh thinking (1:35)
​​Brainwriting: online brainstorming sessions with dispersed groups of experts (2:47)
​Customer Interviews: What’s it like working with HYPE? (4:02)
Customer Advice for anyone new to the solution: Crawl. Walk. Run. Communicate. (3:04)
Customers’ First Impressions of the new look HYPE (2:37)
The platform can be branded, customized and initial campaigns and channels launched in 2-4 weeks. You can use the EU-hosted cloud version or self-host on your own or a third-party server.
Resource wise: just 1-2 people - solution owner (business) and solution manager (technical) - can manage very large programs (>100,000 users; >$100B revenue; >$1B R&D budget)
We put solution owners and managers through 'train-the-trainer’ to make you self-sufficient. We can support you until then, and afterwards as required on a project or ongoing basis
No other training is required. For users the solution is a simple as Facebook to use.
We work with you to design the best program management and governance structure for your organization
The best way to educate your organization (management, potential campaign sponsors and staff) is to run 1-3 pilot campaigns over the first few months.
As awareness and competence builds - and results and benefits are published - your organization becomes more creative and more adventurous with campaigns which accelerates value capture
Because of the many possible variations in scale, purpose and complexity of the solution, pricing needs to be tailored to what's required for each situation. Plus the solution can be licensed on an annual basis or for a specific project like an open innovation challenge within an industry or a major city or for a national 'hackathon'.
An entry level license of 500 users starts at AU$6.80 per person per month on an annualized basis and can run down to less than AU$0.25 pppm for over 100,000 users. There is no limit to the number of users.